Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Perfect Timing

Its amazing to look back and realize how much one has gone through to get to this point. My decision to apply for the Peace Corps was based on where I was in my life at that very second. It was then that I realized I wanted to live in a different country other than my own and help whereever is needed. I wanted to breath their air, eat what they eat, sleep where they sleep, and hear what they hear. The application process took approximately 6 months until I heard I was nomiated to travel to Namibia, Africa. There I was to be teaching mathematics at the primary and secondary level. I couldn't tell you how excited I was.
Lets fast forward to the present. In less than a week, I am going to be traveling to Washington D.C. for the staging process. Along with learning many workshops that go along with joining the Peace Corps, I will be meeting my fellow volunteers whom I will be traveling to Namibia with. This is an exciting time, I just graduated college in May with a teaching cerification in elementary education and mathematics. I have no committments to any job, I am free! The adventure that awaits me is one that cannot be explained, I have no words that can fully express all the emotions that I am going through right now. Its only going to be a matter of time where I will be walking on the continent of Africa! For now, all I can do is think, ponder, write and explore through reading the country I am going to be living for 27 months. I am ready for this experience, lets roll!

1 comment:

cori said...

I'm excited for you too! I remember so clearly landing in Windhoek and my first step onto the African Continent...it seemed so clear, clean and open. I thought from horizon to horizon, I had never seen a larger night sky. Hey...I was in the first group of PCVs in Namibia, 1990-93 and I wish you peace and the spirit of an open heart at you look ahead to your time in Namibia...c